This may seem self-promoting but, it’s imperative to build a solid relationship with an AV/Event Production supplier, even if you have existing internal AV technology which allows for video conferencing.

Having a professional and experienced partner on board to run the technical side of hybrid events is essential to the success of the event. Clients all have different requirements and ultimate outcomes they need to achieve, and one installed single solution won’t be adequate for all events. Working with an experienced supplier means they will have the correct equipment and skill set to support not only the event but also you and your sales team.

Building relationships early on before advertising your venue for hybrid service offering is crucial. They will be able to advise what is achievable with the resources you have available in your venue. This will have a direct impact on the scale and type of event you will be able to accommodate.

Inviting them along for client site visits will also support you and you’re offering by providing answers to any technical questions the client might have. They will also be able to actively advise the client on the best solutions for what they need to achieve. If they are unable to partake in a site visit, it’s advisable to do a warm introduction so they can gather more details about the event from the client to provide an accurate quote.

It’s also important to establish early on that the supplier is not to discuss pricing options with the client directly unless you have a commission structure in place. However, by having a relationship in place with a supplier, you will be able to capture the revenue from any services sold to your client. Usually, this is by marking up the prices provided by your technical supplier. We would usually advise 10 – 15% mark to avoid possibly exceeding clients’ budgets and them sourcing their own supplier. If a technical supplier is charging your venue for their services, it wouldn’t be acceptable to then claim commission from them.

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