The past 12 months have been unlike any that we’ve seen before. But it allowed us all to take some time to think, reflect and consider the way we work and who we work with.

Some will be forced into this time of reflection because their go-to supplier sadly may no longer be in business, or they may have chosen to change tack and be offering different services. Whatever your reason, it’s a good a time as any to reassess your supplier relationships.

In this blog post, we will look at Audio-Visual and Event Production companies and what you should look for in your perfect partner.

Let’s get started:

Finding a perfect Audio-visual / Event Production partner is like dating, some are substandard, won’t deliver what they say they can, or won’t care enough about you to provide an outstanding service. Others will be there for you no matter what you require, they’ll go above and beyond to ensure you, and your guests and delegates have an amazing experience. Putting the leg work in to find the latter is worth it in the long run.

In the following points, we’ll give you tips to help you find your perfect event partner.

Check to see if they are who they say they are.

This may seem a little like we’re teaching you to suck eggs, but it’s surprising how many clients won’t research who they’re looking to work with.

Companies who are good at what they do love shouting about their work. You can tell this as they will be posting on their social media channels about their work. This is a great source of information.      If they are regularly posting about projects, you know they are genuinely busy, and not just ‘saying’ they are.

Go to see your perspective new audio-visual / event production partner.

One of the most important things to take the time to do is meet your perspective audio-visual / event production partner in person. This will allow you to see first hand what equipment they have available and whether you gel well together.

It’s surprising how many companies say they own their own equipment but in fact sub-rent this from another supplier. On the face of it, this isn’t so much of a problem but your supplier may not have adequate equipment as a backup should anything go wrong or may not have the necessary experience to make repairs should something break. All of which could have a direct impact on your event so meeting face to face can help confirm they have all the relevant equipment and support you require.

We love inviting our clients to our warehouse for a brew and catch up, they get the see what we’re up to and have a catch up about their projects in a creative atmosphere.

Can you get along with them?

Relationships are the bedrock of the events industry. But you may never have considered your relationship with your audio-visual / event production partner. It may never have reached your top items for what you look for in a supplier, but truth be told, you need to get along with them. It’s not only your project or account manager you need to get along with, it’s the technicians who will be supporting your event also. We’ve heard horror stories where technicians have turned up and not provide the best service to the client, and there’s nothing worse than being in this situation where you cannot do anything.

Proactive thinking is a game-changer, not just for you, but your entire event.

Unfortunately, like all other industries, there are some suppliers who won’t speak up if they see that something can be done better, let alone come to the table with new ideas for your project or event.

Your audio-visual / event production partner should be overflowing with ideas for your project and should be actively advising you of these (unless you’ve specifically told them not to).

It’s so important to get their creative input, after all, they are the professionals and will have experience of what works and what doesn’t.

Choosing a new partner may seem to be a daunting experience, and may often be that activity that is always put off, but you could be missing out on a really great relationship, not to mention ideas.


Our clients love our approach and the way we work, take a look around our website to get a flavour for our services, or drop a quick message over to us and lets arrange a brew and see how we can support you.

Are you ready to rock your next event?

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